suffering from Anxiety
Most people have experienced feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. Whether it is due to heights, public speaking, or worries of the future. It is a normal experience. However, sometimes this anxiety impacts our performance to the point that we cannot function.
We may avoid certain situations so that we do not experience the anxiety and we limit ourselves from activities in fear that we may become anxious. When these fears start to negatively impact life, it is important to learn and employ coping skills and strategies to manage these symptoms.
Some common forms of anxiety are: specific phobias, social phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks and generalized anxiety. Counselling for anxiety emphasizes the development of mindfulness strategies and relaxation exercises, as well as identifying and challenging the negative thoughts that create the anxiety.
Symptoms of Anxiety:
Easily distracted
Feeling on edge
Difficulty concentrating
Poor memory
Irritable or impatient
Sleep disturbance
Unexplained physical problems